Tuesday 12 May 2015

WRITER - Historian - Monferrato 2003

Una presenza monferrina durante il "Sacco di Roma"  (1527)
in URBS, n° 3/4, XVI, Ovada, 2003, p.253

Shortly after moving to Ovada Giorgio took steps to make sure he became part of the cultural life of this lively provincial town, where he liked to sit for hours in the cafè of the main square, a place where he observed and chatted to people. He brought a breath of life from the big city to Ovada and became a well known character there. One of his contributions to the local culture was a short series of articles in URBS: silva et flumen, the periodical magazine of the Accademia Urbense di Ovada. One of the first was about a Monferrato coat of arms in Rome and it allowed him to establish his right, through his paternal grandmother, to be there. For some years before leaving Rome he had worked for an "antiques-dealer" in Via dei Coronari (friends of his will remember what he had to say about her and her "antiques"), and, as he says in the article, he used to take friends to see the coat of arms he writes about here.

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