Saturday 9 May 2015

ROOTS - Father and Mother

Giorgio Quintini was the son of a policeman from Ancona who rose to be Vice-Questore of Perugia. Giorgio had been born in Rome in 1933 and had spent most of his childhood there when they moved at his impressionable age of 17. His father's name was Adolfo Quintini, and he was also known socially as Adolfo Quintini dei Paleologo because of his mother's ascent, which will be dealt with elsewhere. He was a good looking man and had also worked as an actor, appearing in silent films such as Lorenzaccio (1918). He was chosen as one of the police escort for Hitler's visit to Italy in 1938.

Giorgio's mother, Emilia Bianca Marini, was said to have come from Naples and was a cultured woman with a university degree. She graduated at the Magistero faculty of Rome University and her thesis was on Italian literature with Luigi Pirandello as her tutor. It was published as a book: Marini, Emilia Bianca, Il Tommaseo romanziereAncona - Stabilimento tipografico Del Commercio, 1923.

However, she died shortly after Giorgio's birth (he was an only child) and he was brought up by Quintini aunts. Here are his parents.

Adolfo Quintini (1893-1960)

Emilia Bianca Marini (1893-1934)

visiting card of Adolfo Quintini

Adolfo Quintini

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