Saturday 16 May 2015



There is no doubt that Giorgio liked to be called Marchese. Perhaps Italy sets more store on titles of various kinds than do other European countries. Elsewhere we shall deal with his Quintini antecedents, for whom he claimed the title of marquis, and his Oriundi grandmother came from a family which certainly used it. Whereas there are some rules governing the official use of titles in the country, in society it is by and large a free for all. Thus, although only the head of a certain family may perhaps legitimately call himself "Prince", many if not all members of the same family may be found doing so. It is accepted usage in Italian society.

This is a complicated subject in Italy and the present writer is not qualified to give an authoritative opinion. However, there is no doubt that Giorgio used the title in society and used the Italian coronet for marquises on all possible occasions. His father had used it on his own visiting cards (see the post on "Quintini or Quintini-Paleologo" below) and Giorgio did the same. The same post reproduces a letter from the Royal House of Italy in which Giorgio was addressed with the title, and although the family was not listed officially, that was good enough for him.

Old friends of his will certainly recognise this seal, which was permanently attached to the large bunch of keys he carried with him everywhere he went. When he went to live in the Castle of Lercaro towards the end of his life he asked that it should be given to an old friend who bore the same title and the same initial.

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