Thursday 4 June 2015


Giorgio's QUINTINI line

On 12th May 1933, Giorgio QUINTINI was born in Rome to Adolfo QUINTINI and Emila-Bianca MARINI.
In 1893, Adolfo QUINTINI was born, presumably in Ancona, to Achille QUINTINI and Ida ORIUNDI (or PALEOLOGO-ORIUNDI).
Achille QUINTINI was born in Ancona to Luigi QUINTINI and Raffaella CENSI (Giorgio used to have an announcement of the Quintini/Censi marriage. Printed on blue silk, it was framed and hung in his sitting room but has disappeared.)

As Giorgio never spoke much about his Quintini line, and what he did have to say was not written down, what follows must be fragmentary but may be helpful for anyone wanting to find out more.

The coat of arms illustrated above, done for him in recent years by a friend, shows one which he had begun to use many years earlier around the time the bookplate below was designed for him by another friend (in the 1980s). The Quintini shield has some similar elements to that of the Quintili family, as in Amayden, which Giorgio quotes above, but instead of green and silver it is red and gold, which I cannot help thinking was so that it would not clash with the Paleologo one, but I may be wrong. Giorgio's imaginative words above suggest it was because of matrimonial alliances.

Teodoro Amayden, Storia delle Famiglie Romane, con note  ed aggiunte del  Comm. Carlo Augusto Bertini, ristampa anastatica, Roma (1987), vol. II, p. 155.

At some point a man called Quintini who came from the Marche started a correspondence with Giorgio regarding a possible common ascent. Unfortunately none of this correspondence remains except a photocopy of the coat of arms he sent, which Giorgio pasted into his copy of the Paleologo-Oriundi book, together with the coat of arms reproduced at the head of this note.

"QUINTINI" by Guelfo Guelfi Camaiani of the Istituto Genealogico Italiano, unfortunately in monochrome.

The current writer has a vivid recollection of having found an online reference in a local state archive (perhaps Ancona), to a business arrangement between a Quintini family and an Oriundi family, which predated the marriage of Achille Quintini to Ida Oriundi. Alas, this has not yet surfaced and appears to have disappeared online. It suggests that the families were previously known to each other.

Giorgio liked to claim a Roman origin for the Quintini family and a page of what he wrote about this will be posted here later. Documentary and anecdotal evidence so far suggests that they had been established in Ancona and the north of Italy for a very long time. They had land in the Pinocchio area of Ancona, which was a rural suburb with a view of the city. Now it has been swallowed up by urban expansion. It got its name from its numerous pine trees.

At present it is only possible to reach Giorgio's QUINTINI great grandparents but some further research might turn up others. He was not averse to forgetting lines of descent if he thought they interfered with his prime interests, and it may be that he knew of other Quintinis in Ancona. Should anyone know of these and wish to contact the blog with information, emails will be most welcome at .

The very last page of Giorgio's copy of the Libro della Genealogia della Famiglia Paleologo Oriundi di Monferrato, is of the Oriundi-Quintini link. Here is the annotated page from his book, with his final words in the volume.

The line from ANGELA (top left) is of the RATTI family, often called Ratti-Paleologo (see the newspaper report of the reception for Zena Gunther in the post here regarding Paléologue-Crivez of 24th May 2015)

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